Data Science

Innovative methods in data science can play a crucial role in improving healthcare businesses by enhancing patient care, optimizing operations, and supporting medical research. Here are some innovative data science methods that Mediglobo could employ for healthcare businesses:

1. Predictive Analytics for Disease Prevention: Mediglobo can develop predictive models using machine learning and data analytics to identify individuals at risk of specific diseases. These models can leverage patient data, genetic information, lifestyle factors, and environmental data to provide early interventions and personalized health recommendations.

2. Healthcare Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Develop AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants for healthcare businesses to interact with patients, answer medical queries, schedule appointments, and provide real-time support. These systems can improve patient engagement and streamline administrative tasks.

3. Genomic Data Analysis: Utilize advanced genomic data analysis techniques to personalize treatment plans based on a patient’s genetic profile. This can lead to more effective and targeted treatments, especially in areas like cancer therapy.

4. IoT Data Integration: Integrate data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as wearable fitness trackers and remote patient monitoring devices into healthcare systems. Analyzing this data can provide insights into patient health and enable early detection of health issues.

5. Drug Discovery and Development: Apply machine learning and computational biology to accelerate drug discovery and development processes. Predict potential drug candidates, assess their safety profiles, and identify novel drug-target interactions.

6. Population Health Management: Employ data science to manage population health by identifying trends, patterns, and disparities in health outcomes among different demographic groups. This information can inform public health initiatives and interventions.

7. Data-driven Clinical Trials: Optimize the design and execution of clinical trials through data-driven approaches. Predict patient recruitment, monitor trial progress, and identify potential safety issues more efficiently.

8. Blockchain for Data Security: Implement blockchain technology to enhance the security and integrity of healthcare data. Blockchain can help maintain an immutable record of patient data, ensuring data privacy and reducing the risk of data breaches.

Mediglobo can work closely with healthcare organizations to identify their specific needs and goals, then apply innovative data science methods to address these challenges effectively, ultimately improving patient care and healthcare operations. Additionally, they should prioritize data privacy and security, given the sensitive nature of healthcare data.


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Bad Communication with Producer brands
Ambassadors Board

MediGlobo is inviting a select group of cardiologists to become Translumina Ambassadors. Each State is going to have a nominated Ambassador, recognized by its influence and experience on the cardiology field. This ambassador will have two main objectives. The first one is to provide information and technical support to the distributors in the state and be the representative of the brand on the main cadiology events. The ambassadors will be responsable for assisting in the first uses of Translumina products and assure its correct uses, providing feedback on market opening and avoiding implantation problems.
The second goal is to provide information to MediGlobo about the market needs, new technologic features and new products on the market. This way MediGlobo can keep in touch with transluminal and update the commercial strategies based on the market changes.




Distributors have very high TARGET GOAL and MINIMUM PERIODIC PURCHASE AGREEMENTS that are not consistent with market performance.

Fair Goals

Through the close relationship with the distributor and the analysis of the market indicators MediGlobo intend to have its own store warehouse facility and plan with the distributors fair target goals, providing marketing materials and benefits to boost sales.

Brands doesn’t have a close relationship with the distributors


Our main strategy is to have a close relationship with the distributors through exclusive channels. The MediGlobo app is going to be used by the distributor as an open channel to the communication with MediGlobo and also provide features to be used on Marketing and approach with the consumer with complete info about the products.

Complete Data