Pedro Guerra

Director of Business Strategy

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Years of Experience

Pedro Guerra, an experienced business administrator, boasts a diverse career that encompasses both public service and executive leadership in the energy sector.

In the political arena, Pedro served as a Federal Deputy during the 2010-2014 legislative term, achieving notable recognition in 2013. Additionally, he held the position of Superintendent at Paraná Projetos/Eco Paraná in 2012 and 2013, contributing as a valuable member of the board of administration.

Pedro’s expertise extends into the renewable energy domain, where he played a pivotal role as the Director of Management for the Copel Brisa Potiguar S.A. wind complex and its seven wind parks from 2016 to 2017. His dedication led him to assume the presidency of the company in 2017 and 2018, maintaining an influential presence as a member of the board of administration.

Dedicated to staying abreast of industry developments, Pedro actively participated in key events within the electrical sector, including the National Meeting of the Electrical Sector (ENASE) from 2015 to 2017, Brazil WIND Power 2016 and 2017, the 8th and 9th National Wind Energy Forum, and Brazil SOLAR Power in 2017. He also engaged in numerous gatherings organized by ANEEL, ONS, and CCEE.

In November 2017, Pedro undertook a business mission at the General Electric Renewable Energy headquarters in Schenectady, NY. During this visit, he enhanced his understanding of Research and Development Centers and the Remote Control Center for wind parks.

Currently, Pedro has been serving as an Advisor at PSLG, contributing to project development in the energy, health, and international trade sectors.

Academically, Pedro holds a postgraduate degree (Stricto Sensu – Master’s degree) in Renewable Energies from UTFPR and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Administration and Business from Camões/CEUB. His commitment to continuous learning and professional development underscores his dedication to excellence in the diverse fields he navigates.

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Bad Communication with Producer brands
Ambassadors Board

MediGlobo is inviting a select group of cardiologists to become Translumina Ambassadors. Each State is going to have a nominated Ambassador, recognized by its influence and experience on the cardiology field. This ambassador will have two main objectives. The first one is to provide information and technical support to the distributors in the state and be the representative of the brand on the main cadiology events. The ambassadors will be responsable for assisting in the first uses of Translumina products and assure its correct uses, providing feedback on market opening and avoiding implantation problems.
The second goal is to provide information to MediGlobo about the market needs, new technologic features and new products on the market. This way MediGlobo can keep in touch with transluminal and update the commercial strategies based on the market changes.




Distributors have very high TARGET GOAL and MINIMUM PERIODIC PURCHASE AGREEMENTS that are not consistent with market performance.

Fair Goals

Through the close relationship with the distributor and the analysis of the market indicators MediGlobo intend to have its own store warehouse facility and plan with the distributors fair target goals, providing marketing materials and benefits to boost sales.

Brands doesn’t have a close relationship with the distributors


Our main strategy is to have a close relationship with the distributors through exclusive channels. The MediGlobo app is going to be used by the distributor as an open channel to the communication with MediGlobo and also provide features to be used on Marketing and approach with the consumer with complete info about the products.

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